

What's the point?

So, what's the point in having a blog that I never write in? I have no idea. I guess just so that if/when I ever do feel like writing in it, I can. Sorry it's boring to any readers. Right now I'm so far behind on email and Facebook messages that if I ever feel like writing something, I work on those, not this thing.

Sorry. Life goes on though, and it's been quite interesting and even very enjoyable much, or even most of the time. Last night I missed Edith and Brian so much I couldn't even write emails. I find myself wishing, as I think Lauren does, that I at least knew some somewhat definite time that I would see them again, and that that would help me so much in the mean time. But not knowing if you'll ever see some of the dearest people to you in the world while on Earth is hard.

I tend to just go along with whatever comes my way, not much affected by any of it. Sad things happen, it doesn't get me down. Happy things happen, I don't get that excited. But this is a big thing. Perhaps I make a bigger deal of my own life than I should? I don't know.

...anyway, I dunno what that's for. To sort out a few thoughts? Maybe. Or maybe just because I remembered that I have a blog and felt like I should write in it. Problem is, it seems like I often write in this when I'm confused, so that's all my readers get. Oh well.

1 comment:

  1. sometimes it's just nice to be in the company of other confused people.
