

A Short Rant on Politics

The people we elect are supposed to be the people we choose to represent US. If you honestly feel that Obama or Romney represents what you want for this country and future generations, then that is another discussion. But if you are voting for who you feel is the lesser of two evils, then I would beg you to re-consider. The problem with repeatedly voting for "the lesser of two evils" is that you always end up with evil winning. It also perpetuates the cycle of having two people pre-chosen for us to "choose" between, and elections in general being nothing but a big charade. Our choices are /not/ going to get better if we keep doing this. So I would beg you to study and vote for someone who does represent what you want for this country and future generations, even if they don't stand a chance of winning. Because at least that way you won't be voting for evil.

Also, just to clarify, I use "evil" here not in reference to Obama or Romney as people. As people they are certainly no more evil than I myself am. I use it because "the lesser of two evils" is common language when talking about elections. My problems with Obama and Romney have nothing to do with rather I like them or not. I imagine both of them would be quite fine people to be around. So when talking about them, I'm never attacking them personally, I'm attacking what they represent -- a set of policies and ideals that I strongly disagree with.

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